Published on Mar 1, 2019
Mid Year Exams - Poisoning


·      Hydrocyanic Acid = HCN, Prussic acid or Scheele’s acid.

·      HCN is a vegetable aciin leaves and fruits of almonds, cherry, pear, plum etc…in form of amygdalin

·      Emulsin converts this to cyanide in presence of bacteria of small intestine.

·      Yound linseed plant yields free HCN

·      Prolonged nitroprusside infusions can cause cyanide toxicity,

·      Cyanide inhibits cellular respiration (causes cellular asphyxia) by inhibiting the action of cytochrome oxidasedeath is due to histotoxic (cytotoxic) hypoxia. Potassium ferrocyanide is a nonpoisonoussalt of cyanide

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