Published on Feb 6, 2020

Discuss more about thalassemia 

1) Thalassemia major is characterized by all of the following, except:
a. Splenomegaly
b. Microcytic hypochromic anemia
c. Presence of target cells in peripheral blood smear
d. Increased osmotic fragility

2) Hb E is seen most often in:
a. Assam
b. Punjab
c. Nagpur
d. Jaipur

3) Major cause of death in thalassemia major is due to:
a. Endocrinopathies
b. Cardiomyopathies
c. Liver Failure
d. Infection

4) A 6 month old untransfused child presented with lethargy, failure to thrive and looking pale. CBC is showing Hb of 5.6, MCV-58 and peripheral blood picture showing microcytic hypochromic red cells, target cells and anisopoikilocytosis. Hb HPLC is showing Hb F of 100%. e most likely diagnosis is:
a. αthalassemia
b. δβthalassemia
c. β thalassemia major

5) Hb H inclusion seen in α-thalassemia is composed of:
a. γ4 tetramers
b. β4 tetramers
c. δ4 tetramers
d. ε4 tetramers

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